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Keith Anderson • 1 year ago

Why does it feel like the highland is Inglis old kingdom

surebuddy • 1 year ago

damn, that be crazy and good because i never thought about that since she mentioned it might have been lost in history. Also that would make sense since they dont need runes

Bees • 1 year ago

huh, I thought that probably had more to do with whatever makes them susceptible to turn into giant magicite beings when they are given that one potion. Not sure how that would tie into his old kingdom, but maybe.

Cipher • 1 year ago

Most likely 👍

vovan1 • 1 year ago

it would be very nice twist... but this anime wont have the brain for it i think.

I already thought this. also this could be another world

They definitely won't have the brain, i keep wondering what happen to good plots since the 19's

Robert FakeLastName • 1 year ago

they still exist. you just have to know where to look. now that it is easier than ever to localize anime we now get not only the good shows but also the much more populated bad shows.

Nan Demo K(Nai)ves • 1 year ago

I could see this happening now that you've mentioned it.

tbschen • 1 year ago

I like that twist. I hope they'll make it happen.

GhostNinja1373 • 1 year ago

i thought of that too a few episodes back but the story writing in this is too boring to get some good plot twist like that or to ever get to that point....

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

Indeed it is way so boring and really and I think too late for that plot twist.

RulerBrendan • 1 year ago

That was literally the first thought that crossed my mind when highland was mentioned.

Deus The Great • 1 year ago

I have thought of that since episode 2 or 3 when they mentioned about Highland because when old MC died it showed that his castle literally above the cloud, which we can easily assume it must be too high up or it's in the sky island.

Düölingöhhh Snorlax • 1 year ago

Good theory. What if Inglis hadn’t been isekai’d but instead forced to live in a loop time after time :3

Bleh • 1 year ago

Kinda obvious from the first time you learn about the highland. I would be shocked if it wasnt.

Keith Anderson • 1 year ago

My real question is if we'll ever see the cute goddess alistia again, lol

Mitsuri Kanroji • 1 year ago

Same here

Astralknight532 • 1 year ago

It really does feel like that is the case. That successor shown in Inglis memories' during the principal's special test with the doors must have made some drastic changes during his reign that eventually led to a lot of Highlanders thinking they're better than everyone else.

Fayt Leingod • 1 year ago

for me his the mask knight theres a chance that his been overthrown

norigami • 1 year ago


SKYFADE • 1 year ago

letsss gooo

WorldGN18 • 1 year ago

I thought that was gonna be the case since the beginning or at least it was going to be connected somehow, wish Inglis would have shown more interest in the subject...

Keith Anderson • 1 year ago

She even says there's no record of her kingdom when she was looking up the history, so the only possibly would be it is highland now or the people erased everything after she(he) died

WorldGN18 • 1 year ago

yep is like a lost civilization and the highland was able to retain most of the knowledge and monopolize it, really wish one of the main cast was smarter but oh well

Fayt Leingod • 1 year ago

also the mask knight is actually the person who inglis incharge of the kingdom when his gone the guy form his past memories

blacksparkss21 • 1 year ago

imagine if they find that Inglis is their true king :))

Satoshi Ookami • 1 year ago


blacksparkss21 • 1 year ago


SPACE-86 • 1 year ago

imagine but theyre mana isnt considered as aether but mana if it were her wait hes? oh well her old kingdom she will be able to recognize it when she gets up there so lets wait i also want that but how will they know that hes there old king do as if theres someone still alive who knows him

Fayt Leingod • 1 year ago

i think the gap of him being a past kings is 100-1000 years in the present the reason no one knows that name

SPACE-86 • 1 year ago

yeah and weird thing is that they dont have any text book about the old kings or the past if so then they would know her as there old king since her mana is far from average and more potent

Fayt Leingod • 1 year ago

some kings/leader has the ability to erase someones name even on history books

SPACE-86 • 1 year ago

damnnn they prob had a grudge on her

ERIK LEROUGEUH • 1 year ago

well its clearly said if you translate the title: "heroic king reincarnate to master the art of war, and be the strongest female knight apprentice of the world".. even in description of anime they said he lived as a divine king a long time ago only for his people, for his service, a goddess gave him a last wish: to reborn for live for himself (battle and food are his hobby apparently).
and reincarnation is more a thing in shintoism than parallel isekai world, so yes highland and maybe human are his descendant.

Mega-Chad-Type-Hero • 1 year ago

Most of the Eastern-Cultures altogether actually take re-incarnation for granted. The Western-Cultures and even both the major religions of Islam as well as main-stream Christianity all reject the existence of re-incarnation out-right (although it was once taught & also taken for granted by the early Christians until the teachings of re-incarnation & karma were literally both removed as well as banned out of biblical-canon for a variety of seemingly drama-related reasons; only partial-remnants remain in the passages about Reaping What One Sows and whether the Child being born Blind was the fault of the Child itself or its Parents; oh, and, although this digresses a bit, Caesar actually threatened the scribes to write in favour of his taxation-system, even though the original teaching & true context was actually supposed to be a warning to not pay taxes as it was funding the wages of sin/extortion & making all tax-payers complicit to the «sin» that would keep them out of heaven).

Otacultist • 1 year ago

Yeah! That might be a great twist indeed... Love the idea.

MeguminExplosion • 1 year ago

The only time I accept conspiracy theories is in anime.

Kevin Sears • 1 year ago

... I accept them when they end up being true... like how Foucci fled the country after the new head of the CDC Dr. Redding verified that yes, Dr. Foucci DID pay a lab in wuhan to develop the bioweapon we know as Covid 19 with tax money approved by the Obama administration, after congress banned Gain of Function research in 2014...
now there's a bunch of fake BS saying the NIH lifted the ban, but all these articles are shiney and new, anyone with a memory recalls Dr. Foucci denying the funding of the illegal research. (also, the NIH doesn't have the authority to circumvent the congressional ban... it's just the PR department trying to run damage control and failing)
Foucci and several of his associates are now on an international wanted list, but only a few scientists in china have been executed so far ^_^

mind you, I accepted the "conspiracy theory" when foucci's hacked emails were confirmed (by foucci himself, who played the victim card because he got hacked) to be real...
Ryu Yong Chol's namedrop lends one to believe that North Korea, of all places, was also involved in the wuhan lab development of deadly diseases. some of the other names Elon Musk added in the twitter files he made public were kinda shocking though, some important names were in there, like Paul Pelosi(bigtime inside trader) was the one who pushed for foucci doing a 180 on masks (which never did work, he was actually being honest at first when he told us that the particles while airborn are too small for the masks to stop) and Victor Liashko(now a minister in Ukraine and member of the WHO at the time of the communications) who was part of the international team that the WHO sent to investigate? remember, the one that found nothing to indicate it was a lab leak? that lie...
we also know a Dr Ferrar (british guy, lotta conspiracies, I dunno much about him tho) instructed Dr Anderson(the one who initially said it looked man-made) to go quiet about it via their twitter group saying quote "that statement has massive political implications and we have to look into things further" Dr. Anderson went silent, his twitter was deactivated, supposedly by him, and he supposedly sent a written letter to the New York times retracting the statement yeilding "to scientists more familiar with coronaviruses" when he himself was the leading expert on the SARS-Cov-2 virus... which begs the question: who is more expert than the expert on the original coronavirus?

James • 1 year ago

While I do agree this isn't the time nor the place to talk about this. We are trying to have fun away from the real world and watch anime.

I don't frequent comment sections too often but if you want to keep talking about stuff like this somewhere else I'm down. I'll add by asking; how many Dr fauci books are going to be burned? It's too bad he's probably not going to spend any time in jail. He would have died by old age by the time the American people finally get around too properly accusing and arresting him.

Lizard Luminosity • 1 year ago

Megumin makes a joke about anime conspiracies and then you ramble for an hour about real life things that aren't even relevant anymore. I genuinely gotta ask, are you ok? I'd give you a hug to help you feel better, but this is the internet.

Mega-Chad-Type-Hero • 1 year ago

He/she/they was/were not actually «joking» though...

This (following) would be more like a joke...:

I self-identify as a Conspiracy Theorist.
Pro-Nouns : Told/You/So

While i identy as a fire truck
my Pronoun is "Woie woie"

Son Goku Desu • 1 year ago

I knew it was made by US gov you can see how they trying so hard to contain China cuz they afraid of China's growth

Mega-Chad-Type-Hero • 1 year ago

The very phrase/term «conspiracy theory» (or even conspiracy) was never used as a «pejorative» until shortly after the JFK-Incident. That is the more «bizarre» phenomenon of how so many people have succumbed to aphasia, but, perhaps not, when the whole materialist-paradigm is indeed a literal religious-cult.

P.S. : They are all also very predictable. Absolutely everybody who uses the «conspiracy theory/theorist» term in a «pejorative» manner will always be a liberal/democrat/materialist or some combination thereof and are always «statists (belief in state/government as an authority figure being at the level of God)» in a fundamentalist-manner. That makes it easy to predict exactly what they will say/do/believe since they all say/do/believe the exact same or very similar things (and watch way too much television) ...especially since the last several dozens of them that I had encountered were literally like cookie-cutter copy-pastas of one another (and the BIG hilarity is that many of them think themselves «smart» just because they have a «college/university degree» & argue that they're «right» because of that degree making them the «credible» one, even when I quote from sources that are literally amongst the most-credible sources coming from universities like HARVARD, and, STANFORD, and YALE, and CAMBRIDGE; it's like, gee, for people who value college-degrees so much, they sure like to contradict themselves by calling the genuine science being done by real scientists/doctors/professors a bunch of quacks & charlatans & pseudo-scientists & pseudo-intellectuals, even though they are the «degree-holders» [frequently multiple degrees] that come from YALE, and, HARVARD, and, STANFORD, and, CAMBRIDGE, the appropriate acronym here being something like : smh).

Lalo Medina • 1 year ago

If that is the case. What was the purpose of making the bioweapon?

Captain_Conway • 1 year ago

Counter Point . . . bro, this is the comments section of an anime episode. . . Go talk IRL stuff somewhere else, talk about anime here.

Science Soldier:76 • 1 year ago

You’re retarded. You have no working knowledge of what and how science works. Shut the fuck up, get off Fox News and never have children.

NT • 1 year ago

The truth shall set you free my friend...in due time. Take care : )

LowJack187 • 1 year ago

Here's your new sensei, Mr. Rock Pile.